What to Do If Your Cat Keeps Taking The Cone Off

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Cat Keeps Taking The Cone Off

It’s a common issue pet owners face: your cat just had surgery or is recovering from an injury, and they keep removing their protective cone, also known as an Elizabethan collar.

While it may be frustrating, it’s important to understand why your cat is doing this and find ways to prevent it without causing undue stress.

In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why your cat might be taking off the cone, suggest alternatives, and provide tips for helping your cat adjust to wearing a cone.

Understanding Why Cats Take Their Cones Off

Figuring out why cats take off their cone can be pretty difficult. It’s important to understand what motivates them so that you can find the best solution for your cat.

  • Discomfort: Cones can be uncomfortable for cats, as they may rub against their fur or irritate the skin. Additionally, they can feel heavy and cumbersome, making it difficult for them to move around freely.
  • Restriction of vision and hearing: The cone limits a cat’s peripheral vision and can muffle sounds, making it challenging for them to navigate their environment. This can lead to disorientation and anxiety, prompting the cat to try to remove the cone.
  • Hindered grooming: Cats are fastidious groomers and may feel stressed if they cannot groom themselves properly while wearing a cone. This stress may cause them to try removing the cone to maintain their grooming routine.
  • Difficulty eating and drinking: Cones can make it challenging for cats to eat and drink comfortably, which may lead to frustration and attempts to remove the cone.
  • Instinct and independence: Cats are naturally independent creatures and may feel constrained by the cone. They may try to remove it as an act of defiance or to regain control over their environment.

Tips For Keeping Your Cat’s Cone On

A black cat with cone on

It can be maddening to have your cat continually slipping out of their cone, like a mischievous child trying to break away from the confines of school.

But with some creative problem-solving and patience, you can keep that pesky cone on for good! To help your cat adjust to wearing a cone, consider the following tips:

  • Ensure proper fit: Make sure the cone fits snugly but is not too tight, which can cause discomfort and increase the likelihood of your cat trying to remove it.
  • Provide supervision: Monitor your cat while they are wearing the cone, especially during the initial adjustment period. This can help prevent them from successfully removing it and allow you to address any issues they may be experiencing.
  • Offer support and comfort: Reassure your cat and provide comfort through petting and soothing words. This can help alleviate stress and anxiety associated with wearing the cone.
  • Provide plenty of distractions: This could mean getting new toys or treats that require mental stimulation, such as puzzle feeders. By keeping them engaged throughout the day with stimulating activities and yummy rewards, your cat may forget all about taking off their cone!
  • Use alternatives when appropriate: In some cases, you may be able to use alternative options, such as soft collars or medical onesies. Consult with your veterinarian to determine if an alternative suits your cat’s specific situation.

Alternatives To The Traditional Cone

If the idea of alternative solutions has caught your attention, there are several options that you can consider. These options are more comfortable and less restrictive for your cat than a traditional cone.

1. Soft E-Collar

One option to consider is a soft e-collar. These collars are made of soft, padded materials that provide a more comfortable experience for your cat.

They still prevent access to the affected area but are less likely to cause irritation or hinder movement.

2. Inflatable Collar

Another possibility is an inflatable collar, which fits around your cat’s neck like a cushion and prevents them from reaching the affected area.

They provide better visibility and mobility than traditional cones and are generally more comfortable for your cat.

3. Medical Onesies

Medical onesies or body suits are also an alternative worth exploring. Depending on the design, these garments cover the entire body or specific areas and prevent your cat from licking or scratching the affected area.

They are a good option for cats who dislike wearing collars or have injuries on their body that are difficult to protect with a cone.

4. DIY Options

Lastly, there are DIY alternatives that you can consider. In some cases, you can create a makeshift protective device using items around your home, such as a soft towel or baby onesie.

However, it’s crucial to ensure that any DIY solution is safe and effective for your cat and does not pose any risks, such as choking hazards or restricted airflow.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How Long Does My Cat Need to Wear The Cone?

The duration depends on your cat’s specific condition and your veterinarian’s recommendations.

Generally, a cat may need to wear a cone for 7 to 14 days or until the wound or surgical site has healed sufficiently.

2. Can My Cat Sleep Comfortably With a Cone?

Yes, most cats can sleep comfortably with a cone on, but it might take them some time to adjust.

Provide your cat with a soft, comfortable bed, and ensure the cone is fitted correctly to minimize discomfort.

3. Will My Cat be Able to Eat And Drink With The Cone On?

Your cat should be able to eat and drink with the cone on, but they may need some assistance. Elevate their food and water bowls or use a shallow dish to make it easier for them to access their food and water.

4. Can I Take The Cone Off When I’m Supervising My Cat?

It’s essential to follow your veterinarian’s advice on when and how long your cat should wear the cone.

While you may be tempted to remove it during supervision, doing so may encourage your cat to lick or scratch the affected area, risking complications.


We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights and tips on how to manage your cat’s cone and ensure their safety and proper healing.

If you have any additional tips or experiences with keeping a cone on your cat, please feel free to share them in the comments section below. Let’s help create a better experience for our feline friends

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