Why is My Resident Cat Biting the New Kitten’s Neck [Answered]

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Resident Cat Biting the New Kitten’s Neck

Introducing a new kitten to a household with an existing cat can be an exciting and joyous experience. However, the resident cat may sometimes behave aggressively towards the new kitten, such as biting its neck.

In this article, we will explore why a resident cat may bite a new kitten’s neck and provide tips on discouraging this behavior.

Why Do Cats Bite Each Other’s Necks?

We have all been there where our cats’ behavior leaves us frustrated and wondering, “Why do they do that?

Well, the truth is that neck-biting is a natural behavior for cats. It’s a way for them to establish dominance or show affection towards one another. In some cases, it’s just a playful act that cats do to release their energy. However, not all neck-biting is harmless. Sometimes, cats may engage in aggressive neck-biting, which could result in serious injuries.

This is especially true if one of the cats involved is much bigger or stronger than the other.

1. Cats and Dominance: Understanding Neck Biting

Your resident cat may see the new kitten as a threat to its territory.

So, to assert its dominance, your cat may chomp on the kitten’s neck, pinning it down and growling or hissing to keep it away from its property.

Some other behaviors of dominance may include your resident cat trying to mate with the new kitten, taking its food, toys, or sleeping place. 

This behavior is more likely to occur if your resident cat is not well-socialized or has not lived in a multi-cat household before. So, for him, it’s somehow difficult to accept a new companion.

2. The Wild Side of Feline Fun

Cat biting kitten's neck

As natural predators, cats love to play by attacking other cats in various ways, such as pouncing, running, and clawing. And neck-biting is one of their favorites. This behavior helps refine their wild instincts and enhances their hunting skills, even if they are domesticated.

If your resident cat is young, biting the new kitten’s neck can allow him to explore and learn new skills. Additionally, neck-biting can also be a form of communication for cats.

In some cases, your cat may bite the kitten’s neck to prevent it from playing too rough. It is their way of saying, “That’s enough.”

3. Neck Biting and Grooming

Grooming is more than just a hygiene routine for cats – it’s a social activity that helps them bond with each other.

During grooming sessions, one cat may start to bite the other’s neck and follow up with some gentle licks. This behavior is perfectly normal and can occur when one of the cats becomes overstimulated.

I’ve also noticed that female cats tend to exhibit this behavior more often than male cats, particularly when interacting with kittens.

4. Your Feline Friend Might be Going Through a Tough Time

While indeed neck biting is often a playful activity, sometimes it can be a sign that your feline friend is in pain.

I’ve had a similar situation with my cat, where he would growl and bite me whenever I tried to touch him. After closer inspection, I discovered that he had a physical injury.

So, If your resident cat has painful spots or injuries, it may bite the kitten to prevent unintentional touching or play that could cause further pain. This type of bite is often accompanied by high-pitched meows and an aggressive reaction.

5. Uncovering Cat Neck-Biting Medical Triggers

If your cat is usually calm and friendly, biting and aggressive behavior might indicate a health condition.

Health conditions that can lead to aggression in cats include hyperthyroidism, arthritis, neurological diseases, and dental diseases.

Proven Ways to Stop Your Resident Cat From Biting On the New Kitten’s Neck

Neck-biting between cats can be an undesirable behavior, especially when it gets too wild.

You can try the following tips to discourage this behavior:

  • Introduce the new kitten gradually to avoid making your resident cat feel threatened.
  • Provide them with separate food, space, and other needs, to avoid competition for resources.
  • Provide your cat with interactive toys to distract it from playing with the kitty.
  • If your cat is looking for mating, make sure to keep the kitten away from him.
  • If you notice aggressive biting, you must intervene and stop that before it has the chance to escalate. Try hissing loudly to get your cat’s attention, but be careful not to use your hands to avoid getting bitten or scratched.
  • Take your cat to the vet to rule out any underlying health condition that may be causing this behavior.
  • Consider spaying or neutering your unneutered tomcat to reduce aggression towards other cats.

Frequently asked questions

How Long Does it Take for a Cat to Get Used to the New Kitten?

Cats can take a few days to months to adjust to each other. This period can be difficult and full of conflict or aggression between the cats.

So you’ll need to monitor their behaviors and make the adjustment process comfortable for them.


I hope this article has provided you with some useful insights into your cat’s behavior and how to manage their interactions with a new kitten.

Remember that while neck-biting can be a common and harmless behavior between cats, it’s important to monitor their interactions and intervene if necessary.

Have you had any experiences with your own cats? What have you done to help them get along peacefully? Please share your stories in the comments below so we can continue to learn from each other and provide the best care for our feline friends.

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