How to Stop Your Cat from Kicking Litter Everywhere

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How to Stop Your Cat from Kicking Litter Everywhere

Dealing with a litter-scattering cat can turn your home into a messy battleground. But fear not, as we unveil tried-and-true strategies to tackle this issue head-on.

In the following sections, we will arm you with knowledge that will not only keep your floors clean but also ensure your furry friend’s happiness.

Get ready to transform your litter woes into a thing of the past!

High-Sided Litter Box

High-Sided Litter Box

A high-sided litter box is a practical solution for minimizing litter scatter. Cats naturally dig and cover their waste, a behavior that can lead to litter being kicked out of the box.

The taller walls of a high-sided litter box act as a physical barrier, effectively containing the litter. This feature is especially beneficial for cats that are enthusiastic diggers.

Litter Box with a Lid

Litter Box with a Lid

A litter box with a lid is a useful tool in reducing litter scatter. Just like the high-sided litter box, the lid acts as a barrier, preventing litter from being kicked out as your cat digs. This type of litter box is particularly beneficial for cats who are active or enthusiastic about covering their waste.

Aside from keeping litter contained, a lid on the litter box also provides privacy for your cat. Many cats appreciate a more secluded spot for their business.

Additionally, a covered box can help in controlling odors, keeping them confined within the box rather than spreading throughout the room.

Clean the Box More Frequently

Cleaning litter box

Regularly cleaning the litter box is a crucial step in preventing your cat from kicking litter everywhere.

Cats are naturally clean animals and prefer a clean environment for their bathroom needs. If the litter box is not cleaned frequently, cats may try to over-cover their waste, leading to more litter being kicked out.

Frequent cleaning involves scooping out clumps and waste daily, which helps maintain a clean and inviting litter area for your cat. This routine discourages your cat from digging too deep or excessively, as they won’t be trying to bury old waste.

Optimal Litter Depth

Ideal cat litter depth

Adjusting the amount of litter in the box can play a significant role in controlling litter scatter. The ideal depth of litter in a cat’s box is about 2-4cm (1-2 inches). This depth strikes a balance between giving your cat enough litter to comfortably dig and cover their waste, without having so much that it easily gets kicked out.

If there’s too little litter, cats might feel uncomfortable and unable to cover their waste effectively, leading to unwanted behaviors outside the box. On the other hand, too much litter can lead to more being flung out as your cat digs.

Different Litter Type

Experimenting with cat litter

Exploring different cat litter types is key to reducing litter scatter. Cats have individual preferences, and the litter’s texture, size, and weight greatly influence how much is kicked out.

Larger granule litters tend to stick less to paws, reducing tracking, while tightly clumping litters can minimize scatter during digging.

Experimenting with options like clumping, non-clumping, silica gel, or wood-based litter helps identify what your cat prefers and what keeps your home cleaner.

While finer litters may be softer but cause more scatter, larger, heavier litters might stay in the box better but be less comfortable for your cat’s paws.

Use a Litter Mat

Cat litter mat

A litter mat is an effective solution for catching stray litter particles that escape the box. Placed right outside the litter box, these mats act like a doormat for your cat, trapping litter from their paws as they step out. This reduces the spread of litter around your house.

Litter mats come in various textures and sizes. Some have a soft, mesh-like material that gently cleans litter from your cat’s paws, while others are designed with deeper grooves to capture larger amounts of litter.

The key is to find a mat that is comfortable for your cat to walk on, yet effective in trapping litter.

Litter Box Number and Choice

Experimenting with different litter boxes

Offering multiple litter boxes with different types of litter allows you to see what your cat prefers. This approach is useful when testing various litter types. For example, you can have one box with clumping litter and another with non-clumping.

Observing which box your cat uses more will indicate their preference. It’s not just the litter, but also the box style — some cats might like open boxes, others covered ones.

When cats are comfortable with their litter setup, they’re less likely to kick litter out, keeping the area cleaner. This method helps in creating a tailored and tidy litter environment.


We hope this guide has provided you with valuable insights and practical solutions to tackle the challenge of your cat scattering litter. Remember, every cat is unique, and finding the perfect solution may require a bit of experimentation.

We’d love to hear about your experiences! Feel free to drop a comment sharing which method worked best for you and your feline friend.

Also, do you have a sphynx cat? If yes, then you definitely need to check our latest cat litter recommendations for sphynx cats. Trust me, you truly need to know about the current top leading ones.

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