Cat Making Chewing Noises? Here’s What You Need to Know

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Cat Making Chewing Noises

Cats are fascinating creatures with a variety of behaviors that can sometimes leave us scratching our heads. One of these behaviors is making chewing noises while eating or doing other activities.

While it may seem like a harmless quirk, excessive or unusual chewing noises in cats can sometimes indicate underlying health issues or behavioral problems.

In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why cats make chewing noises, how to train them not to do it, and when to seek veterinary help.

I. Why Do Cats Make Chewing Noises?

1. Eating

One of the most common reasons your cat may be making chewing noises is simply because they are eating.

Cats, like all animals, need to chew their food to break it down for digestion.

Their unique dental structure, which includes sharp and pointed cat teeth designed for tearing meat, can cause them to make distinctive chewing sounds while consuming their meals from food bowls.

Moreover, your cat might be trying to dislodge something stuck in their teeth or gums.

Just like humans, cats may have difficulty removing food particles from their mouths and resort to using their tongue and jaw muscles to work it free.

Also, keep in mind that some cats just naturally have louder chewing habits than others, so this could very well be a normal behavior for your feline friend.

2. Dental Issues

However, it’s important not to overlook the possibility that dental issues could be causing your cat’s chewing noises.

Cats can suffer from various dental problems like gingivitis, tooth decay, and tooth resorption.

These conditions can lead to symptoms such as bad breath, difficulty eating, and pawing at the mouth.

If you notice any of these signs alongside unusual chewing sounds, it is crucial to schedule a vet check-up for your kitty.

They’ll be able to determine if there are underlying dental concerns contributing to those noises and recommend appropriate treatment options.

II. Behavioral Reasons For Chewing Noises

1. Stress Or Anxiety

Stressed cat

It’s quite intriguing to explore the possibilities of stress or anxiety being a contributing factor in your cat making chewing noises.

Cats may use this seemingly odd behavior as a coping mechanism for dealing with their stressors.

Identifying what causes distress in our feline friends can be challenging, but common aspects include changes in their environment, the introduction of new family members or pets, and exposure to loud noises.

To help alleviate their anxiety and reduce these chewing sounds, consider providing them with a safe space where they feel secure.

You can also use Feliway diffusers or calming collars, and engage them in play therapy sessions that cater to their instinctual needs.

2. Boredom Or Lack Of Stimulation

Bored cat

Another possible explanation for your cat’s chewing noises could be boredom or a lack of stimulation.

Just like humans, cats need mental and physical engagement to stay happy and healthy.

When they don’t receive enough enrichment in their daily lives, they may resort to unusual behaviors such as making chewing sounds.

To combat this issue, try introducing puzzle feeders, interactive toys, rotating their playthings regularly, and even engaging them in clicker training sessions.

These activities not only provide much-needed entertainment but also help keep their minds sharp and satisfied.

III. When To Seek Veterinary Help

Now that we’ve got a clear idea about what could be causing your cat to make chewing noises, let’s dive into when it might be time to seek veterinary help.

If your cat making chewing noises seems more frequent, intense or is accompanied by signs of discomfort, it could indicate an underlying issue.

Keep in mind that early intervention can save you and your beloved feline from unnecessary pain and suffering.

One common cause for concern when your cat makes these sounds is dental disease.

This condition often leads to bad breath, drooling, difficulty eating, and even tooth loss if left untreated.

Seeking veterinary help at the first sign of any unusual behavior will ensure proper diagnosis and treatment before things get worse.

IV. Prevention Of Chewing Noises

Prevention Of Chewing Noises

Understanding and addressing the reasons behind your cat’s chewing noises can not only bring you peace but also contribute to your feline friend’s well-being. Here are some strategies:

  1. Mealtime Routine: Consistency is key for cats. A stable mealtime routine can make your cat feel secure, potentially reducing stress-induced chewing noises.
  2. Feeding Area: Create a calm eating environment by placing the food bowl in a quiet, low-traffic area. This can help your cat focus on eating without distractions, which may reduce anxious chewing behaviors.
  3. Behavioral Training: Positive reinforcement can go a long way. Reward your cat with a small treat or affection when they eat more quietly. This can help them associate quiet chewing with positive outcomes.
  4. Monitor for Triggers: Pay attention to when the chewing noises occur. Is it during mealtime, when new people are around, or during certain times of the day? Identifying triggers can help you take specific actions to reduce stress or discomfort that may be causing the noises.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Chewing Noises in Cats Be a Sign of an Underlying Health Issue Other Than Dental Problems?

Yes, unusual chewing sounds in cats can also indicate other health issues, such as gastrointestinal problems, or foreign objects in the mouth.

How Can I Tell If My Cat Is Experiencing Stress or Anxiety That Is Causing Them to Make Chewing Noises?

Signs of stress or anxiety in cats can include hiding, excessive grooming, decreased appetite, and changes in litter box behavior.

If these behaviors accompany excessive chewing noises, it may be an indication that your cat is experiencing anxiety.


We trust that this article has provided insights into the reasons behind cats making chewing noises and practical methods to train them not to do it excessively.

Remember, while some chewing noises are normal, others may indicate underlying health issues or behavioral problems.

If you’re ever unsure or concerned about your cat’s chewing habits, don’t hesitate to reach out to your veterinarian.

We also encourage you to drop a comment below and share your experiences or ask any questions related to the topic. Thank you for reading and we hope you learned something new!

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2 thoughts on “Cat Making Chewing Noises? Here’s What You Need to Know”

  1. I already took her to the doctor twice she had a fever. They put a liquid under her skin and the second time they gave her two pills. She’s just started making noises with her food and she’s Kinda discharged nostalgic. I try to give her treats liquid but I’m really concerned, she’s eight years old she had dental problems before I asked the doctor if that was the case and she said no so I don’t know what to do. I can’t say that I have a new baby kitty stressing her out so I try to keep her away from her as much as I can with my low income job I already spent $600 on her skin then I have to take her again. I will spend it but it’s hard you can give me any suggestions I appreciate it. Thank you Norma Iaia.

    1. Hi Norma,

      I’m really sorry to hear about your problem. I can’t imagine how tough this situation must be for you. Here are some practical, cost-free steps that might help with the chewing noises:

      Mealtime Isolation: Since you have a new kitten, your older cat might be stressed. Feeding her in a separate room could reduce stress and potentially lessen the chewing noises.

      Homemade Toys for Distraction: Simple toys like a crumpled paper ball or a string can serve as a distraction and might help if stress is contributing to the chewing noises.

      Quiet Time: Create a ‘safe zone’ in a quiet corner of your home where your older cat can retreat. A less stressful environment might help reduce the chewing noises.

      Monitor Behavior: Keep a close eye on her behavior, especially during mealtime. Note any patterns related to the chewing noises, as this could offer clues for a future vet visit.

      Talk to Her: Sometimes, a soothing voice can calm a cat down. If stress is a factor, talking to her softly might help reduce the chewing noises.

      Second Opinion: If you’ve tried these steps and haven’t seen improvement, it might be worth seeking a second veterinary opinion.

      I hope some of these suggestions offer relief for your cat. Wishing you all the best.

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